NEW Flashcards for the Brain Health Program --Executive Function
We've completed our first cohort of the Professional Certificate in Brain Health -- 9 Skills (a new cohort will begin in Sept 2025). If you're interested in joining us then the new semester program on the 9 Levels begins on February 6th, 2025, click here to learn more or to enroll. Feel free to reach out to me on my contact form if you have questions or want to attend the program but finances are an issue and you are interested in a scholarship.
After I created 75 slides for students to use for learning and coaching purposes I decided to turn them into drumroll......FLASHCARDS!!!
I'll go ahead and upload the FRONT and BACK of the flashcards below so it is clearer what each flashcard covered.
2D QUESTION -- FRONT SIDE of the flashcard (vs 3D wizard brain skills)
2D DESCRIPTION -- BACK side of the flashcard:
The intention of the card deck is so that students can deepen their understanding of the course material. The card deck starts with the glossary from my 110 page workbook which named 25 terms:
(which all these flashcards cover in detail) and also the workbook included 8 Techniques (which were practiced in the peer practice sessions from the program)
In the first class we started with some fundamentals like the definition of mind
Here is the back of the mind flashcard so you can see the kinds of prompts that come in the form of questions:
Besides "mind," other core terms were mindsight FRONT SIDE:
Mindsight BACK SIDE:
and the definition of integration in interpersonal neurobiology FRONT SIDE:
Integration BACK SIDE:
The lizard brain FRONT SIDE:
Lizard brain BACK SIDE:
and the wizard brain FRONT SIDE:
Wizard brain BACK SIDE:
Next, we moved to other core concepts like Diesel Fuel FRONT SIDE:
Diesel Fuel BACK SIDE:
And Electric Fuel FRONT SIDE (specifically discussed in Modules 3 and 4):
Electric Fuel BACK SIDE:
Adding a final flashcard on the Kind Voice Technique (see this blog post for a better description about it). Here is the FRONT SIDE:
Here is the BACK SIDE:
Once the set of 53 flashcards have been proofed then I'll upload them for sale in the workshops page.
We learned so much neuroscience and shared tons of kindness and fun during our 12 live meetings, I can't express the extent of my gratitude to this first graduating cohort of 13 people. And MANY of us will continue to next semester's program.
New here and interested? There are no prerequisites to attend. This 9 Levels Brain Health Program covers completely new subjects and starts on Feb 6th, 2025, meeting Thursdays 7 to 9pm EST for 3 months for a total of 12 meetings. Some people are attending at the introductory price of $83 per group more as a support group of kindness than learning graduate level neuroscience content and that's perfect! No matter if you want to learn and become a brain health coach, you're a therapist and want to learn more on memory and attachment, or you are a lay person who wants to lead a happier life and help your friends -- you all can get benefit from the teaching format which involves a lot of interaction in the form of breakout rooms and live demonstrations.
The 9 Levels is different content compared to this one that just finished on the 9 Wizard Brain Skills.
FUN FACT: In interpersonal neurobiology (relational neuroscience) these 9 skills and 9 levels are a destination you want to achieve on your river of life: